Sliten på jobben? 8 tips for mer energi
Feil jobb, feil kolleger, feil formål?
Hvordan øke energinivået på jobben?
Basert på et forskningsprosjekt ved University of Michigan om hva som gir energi og hva som reduser trøtthet på jobben, er konklusjonen at følgende åtte virkemidler gir deg mer engasjement:
- Lær noe nytt
- Sett deg et nytt mål
- Fokusér på hva som gir glede på jobben
- Gjør en kollega glad
- Ta deg tid til å vise takknemlighet til en kollega
- Søk tilbakemelding
- Reflekter hver dag over hvordan du gjør en forskjell på jobben
- Hva ved jobben min betyr noe i den store helheten?
(Les mer om de enkelte punktene i original-artikkelen lenger nede på siden)
Dette kan virksomheten gjøre for å øke energien i hele organisasjonen:
1. Skape et miljø der medarbeiderne kontinuerlig lærer
Medarbeidere vokser og utvikler seg når de lærer . Dette øker og styrker deres psykologiske ressurser og hjelper til å skape vitalitet. Xerox har skapt en livslangt læringsprogram for å oppmuntre og legge til rette for at ansatte skal fortsette å lære og vokse i virksomheten.
2. Sørg for at medarbeiderne får anledning til å skape bedre kvalitet i forbindelser og relasjoner med hverandre.
Relasjonsbygging har både fysiske og emosjonelle fordeler. Eli Lilly and Company har skapt en rekke interne sosiale grupper for å øke flerkulturell kompetanse og et inkluderende miljø som kan bygge bedre relasjoner mellom alle medarbeidere .
3. Oppmuntre medarbeiderne til å engasjere seg i å skape mer mening i jobben mens de arbeider
Personer som føler at deres arbeid har mening, er mer kreative , fornøyd, engasjert og forpliktet på jobb. Dette bidrar til å fremme et entusiastisk arbeidsmiljø. Burt Bees Inc. oppmuntrer
alle ansatte til å skrive og lage sin egen stillingsbeskrivelse for å matche sine ferdigheter, kompetanse og jobbelementer.
Ha en usedvanlig begeistrende høst!
Les mer fra originalartikkelen om dette prosjektet her:
So, how can I maintain my energy and my employees’
energy at work?
Strategies for yourself: These are eight of the top individual strategies for increasing and maintaining energy and vitality at work. All of these strategies are work-related and reflect
notions of learning, building relationships, and meaning making.
1. Learn something new:
Take collaborative projects as an opportunity to ask questions about how other departments work, so you can better understand the company as a whole and how different components are integrated.
2. Focus on what gives you joy in your work:
Try to obtain projects or components of projects that allow you to do what you enjoy. Even if your project does not include something you enjoy, be creative and try to go above and beyond to infuse your own talents into your work.
3. Set a new goal:
Envision your ideal self 10-20 years from now. Make concrete goals and milestones so that you can achieve your long-term goals.
4. Do something that will make one of your colleagues happy:
Reflect back on a conversation that you had with a colleague at work. Send them a nice handwritten note about something you recently talked about or plan a surprise party to celebrate acolleague’s achievement.
5. Make time to show gratitude to a colleague:
Actively try to thank several colleagues a day for their work or kindness by writing them a note or email or thanking them in
6. Seek feedback on your work performance:
Ask collaborators, mentors, supervisors, or co-workers for feedback on your work performance. Ask them for both positive feedback
and areas of improvement.
7. Reflect on how you make a difference at work:
Reflect each day for 15 minutes about what you have done that day at work, thinking about the work that you have done and interactions that you have had with co-workers. Think about what went well, what did not, and what actions you can take to improve in the future to make a bigger impact.
8. Reflect on the meaning of your work:
Think about the impact that your work has on others. Think about how you can create a more positive or powerful impact on those around you and the audience your organization serves.
Strategies for your organization:
Often organizations try to provide revitalization to their employees by providing special amenities and perks for their time off, but as employees find that they have less time off and feel more tired at work, employers need to begin to think about how to revitalize employees at work by allowing them to re-energize while they work. To do this, employers are best off focusing on how to increase intrinsic motivation and reward, meaning employees desire to work hard for themselves and the greater good, rather than because
you want a particular award or perk. Here are three strategies that will enhance employee vitality and reduce fatigue.
1. Create an environment where employees continuously learn:
Employees grow and develop when they learn. This increases and strengthens their psychological resources and aids in feeling a sense of vitality. Xerox has created a lifelong learning program to encourage and allow employees to continue to learn and grow throughout their company.
2. Allow employees to create high quality connections and relationships with one another:
Relationship building has both physical and emotional benefits, like enhanced cardio and immune responses. Eli Lilly and Company has created numerous affinity groups to increase multi-cultural competency and an inclusive environment in which relationships between all co-workers can form.
3. Encourage employees to engage in meaning making while they work:
Individuals who feel that their work has meaning are more creative, satisfied, engaged and committed at work. This helps to promote a thriving work environment. Burt’s Bees Inc. encourages
all employees to rewrite and craft their own job description to match their skills, competencies, and job components. To find more information about how to encourage job crafting, explore The Job Crafting Exercise ( This research-driven tool gives employees and organizations a better understanding of how to create meaning within their own jobs.
About the Authors:
Dr. Charlotte Fritz is an Assistant Professor in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and a faculty within the Occupational Health Psychology Graduate Training Program at Portland State University. She graduated with her Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Braunschweig, Germany, in 2005 and then held a position as Assistant Professor in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at Bowling Green State University from 2005 to 2009.
Chak Fu Lam is Assistant Professor of Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Suffolk’s Sawyer Business School.
Gretchen M. Spreitzer is the Keith E. and Valerie J. Alessi Professor of Business Administration and Professor of Management and Organizations at the Ross School of Business. Her research focuses on employee empowerment, leadership development, positive deviance, and how organizations enable employees to flourish. Spreitzer also is a core faculty member of the Center for Positive Organizations at Ross.
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